Creating Sacred Space for Meditation and Peace

Creating Sacred Space for Meditation and Peace

In our daily life, we all have so many things to do and think about. We are so often overwhelmed with household chores, work, family and other concerns that we hardly get a moment to think about ourselves. This is why it is recommended to have a special place to renew your connection with your inner self and spirit.

By having your own space, your body/mind will habituate to this space. Just walking into it will allow your body and mind to begin to settle into your inner self and spirit. If you also don’t yet have one, it may be time to honor yourself and your inner spirit by creating a sacred space for meditation at your home where you can feel more relaxed and at peace.


Creating Sacred Space

Our ideas

In the following paragraphs, Harmonious Hear Counseling center has listed a few ideas which we hope will inspire you to create a sacred place in your home that encourages quietness and will call out to your soul “Come, sit and listen;” be at peace.

IDEA # 1 – Finding a space that is quiet and away from family activities is usually the most challenging. If you have a guest room, attic or basement that you can convert into your own space, this would be ideal. If not, perhaps you can convert a corner of your bedroom, living room, or clean out a space in a closet where you can have a bit a quiet. You may need to schedule your time while family or roommates are away or sleeping. Ideally, you are looking for a spot that will be respected by those living with you so you have some time for self-nourishment. As flight attendants remind us whenever we fly, “you must give yourself oxygen before you can help others.” By having a special place that you can designate as “sacred”, you can immediately set the tone for going inward; allowing your whole body/mind to become more introspective.

IDEA # 2 – You can bring more privacy to your sacred place by placing a privacy screen or hanging beads or a billowy curtain. Sometimes, just the reduction of visual cues while settled in your sacred place will help you receive inner guidance and knowledge about your own heart and self. You can use this time write, journal, draw, paint, chant, play an instrument, or simply listen to birds sing outside.

IDEA # 3 –Another suggestion, to help set the mood for meditation, prayer, creativity or contemplation, is to place pillows on the floor, use a backjack or find a comfortable chair that supports your back. It is helpful to allow the blood and breath space to flow freely so your energy is not constricted.

IDEA # 4 – You can enhance the flow of spiritual energy by setting up a small alter within your sacred space. Creating an altar can be as simple as draping a small table with a special fabric. You can even clear off an end of a bookshelf or dresser. You might want to add objects that inspire your spiritually. Each object can be placed with an intention for going deep within your heart and soul.

IDEA # 5 – It can also be beneficial to place objects on or near your altar to further enhance your experience. Some suggestions might be natural objects like rocks or seashells that bring in an earthy feeling. Some people like to bring in something that will represent the four elements of fire, air, water, and earth. You can add a symbol of your religion or spiritual practice. A scented candle, incense burner, or essential oil diffuser can create a soft smell that will also enhance your deepening into your spiritual self.

IDEA # 6 – Adding live plants and flowers near to your practice area can increase the level of oxygen as well as your own energy. While lavender and purple symbolize spirituality, pink opens the heart, green brings in nature’s balance and yellow stimulates health.

IDEA # 7 – To impart a feeling of belongingness, peace, and harmony within yourself, you can hang pictures of gardens, mountains, spiritual teachers, angels, or mentors.

IDEA # 8 – Soft music and an insightful book can stimulate and offer inspiration. Spiritual poetry, spiritual texts, and words of spiritual teachers or mystics is sometimes helpful to open a gateway to the path toward obtaining divine contemplation.

Creating a sacred space for meditation is a perfect way to practice deep breathing, connect with the divine, and create a positive vision in your life. As you start to focus on your inner life, you may find yourself feeling much calmer, clearer, happier and more inspired to follow your heart.