Steps To Create An Amazing Meditation Space, Anywhere

Steps To Create An Amazing Meditation Space, Anywhere

Creation of the Sacred space is the most mind boggling yet powerful part of the meditation experience. The right space can invite your entire mind, body, and spirit to relax and be present. Create a Sacred Space where you can release the stress and tension of your life and seek to clarify unity and awareness.


While you might already have a dedicated space in your home for meditation, when you’re out and traveling, or just wanting to get out of your house, you no longer have access to it. Don’t let that be an excuse for pausing your practice.

With a little bit of creativity and ingenuity, you can create a sacred space for meditation wherever you are. Follow these three steps to slip into your own meditation retreat.


Meditation helps you to set aside life’s tensions. Look for a space that is all quiet and free from all distractions. However, when traveling or in public, you cannot always have that option. Hence in such a situation, irrespective of wherever you are, look for a space that resonates with you and offers a sense of stillness and peace. Sometimes it might happen that you end up finding peace amid the hustle and bustle of passers-by. Pull up your socks and step out to look for some of these unusual and unexpected places to give your meditations a test-drive on-the-go. Few such places are the corner of the airport, facing away from the crowd, an unbooked conference room at your office, an alley-way with a view, a closet and many others.


There is always something special that makes your meditation space at home feel warm, safe, and welcoming. When you are well aware that you shall be traveling and you’ll have to meditate away from your home, it is highly recommended to bring along with you a small piece of it. This can be anything that reminds you of your usual space, such as meditation cushion, rock from your first big mountain hike, the candle from a loved one, the photo of a majestic view or a special blanket. Whatever it is, make sure it travels with you. By having something familiar in your temporary space, your mind, body, and spirit will allow you to have the same experience as in your own home.


Nothing can set the stage for an experience like lighting and music. These two components have the ability to connect you to your senses in the ways which other elements simply cannot. Since you most likely won’t have the ability to control lighting if you’re in an unfamiliar place, focus on setting the mood with music. Download music or nature sounds that are soothing and restorative. Once you’ve created your physical space, sit down and turn on that music. Since meditating on-the-go is accompanied with noise, but listening to soothing music for 3-5 minutes will help you relax your mind, body, and spirit. It will also help ease you into your meditation practice.

While you may not be in the comfort of your own home, but with the steps enlisted above, you can have the comforts of a familiar setting, by creating sacred space for meditation on the go.

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