Awakening to your True Self can beautifully blossom when you allow yourself to care more than what others think is wise, risk more than what others think is safe, dream more than what others think is practical, and expect more than what others think is possible.


Spiritual Guide Women's Groups


Nowadays, it seems every other person is questioning or discussing about how to live a meaningful life. There are a plethora of self-help books and web articles available on this topic. The best thing to do is to be part of a women’s spirituality group or come in contact with a spiritual guide or teacher for spiritual deepening. This is because a fulfilling life doesn’t come by absorbing the advice given by others: it happens when we can practice, with guidance, what is being taught. Old relationship dynamics change in the presence of the healing warmth of healthy relationships.

Finding your own true happiness and purpose takes dedication, self-reflection, and the resilience to learn from mistakes. If you are interested in living your life more fully, there are a few easy guidelines which many help turn your dreams into reality.

JOURNALING IS HELPFUL. Journaling is helpful because it helps you build a relationship with yourself and helps you learn about who you really are and what you really want. It is helpful when you can write in free form without censoring yourself and what you are writing. Try also to write without judgement of what topics you are writing about as well as not worrying about grammar or spelling. You can also use your journal to jot down ideas you have from time to time or something you have heard or read about. It is also great to make note of your successes toward getting closer to your dreams.

STAY POSITIVE!! We’ve all received the well-meaning advice to “stay positive.” Sometimes, the greater the challenge, the more this ‘glass-half-full wisdom’ becomes harder to maintain. It can become really difficult to find the motivation and focus on being positive when positivity seems nothing more than wishful thinking. If you truly want to reach your dreams, be very mindful of your self-talk. We talk to ourselves all day long. One of the things you can put into your journal is a five minute running dialogue of what you are saying to yourself. Are you encouraging yourself like you would your best friend, or are you letting criticism and self-doubt dominate your thinking? Also, if you want to make your dreams a reality, stay away from negative people who might be discouraging in their thoughts and words.

KEEP YOUR CENTER!! The third step to getting where you want to be in life is to have the confidence that your own inner wisdom will always lead you on the right path. We can reach our inner wisdom or True Self through prayer or meditation. This is how a spiritual teacher providing you spiritual deepening can really help guide you to your Highest Self. A Loving spiritual teacher can benefit you in aiding you to deepen your prayer and/or meditation techniques to truly awaken to your True Self and thereby get closer to seeing your dreams manifesting in life. When your specific dream is something that helps other people become happy, the whole universal energy will move to help you attain your goals.

TRUST YOUR INNER LIGHT!! As Human beings, we have one true mission in life; that is to be happy and to help others around you to be happy as well. As you pray and/or meditate your own personal mission during this lifetime will become more clear to you. As you honor your own path, you will find that your dreams are closer to becoming a reality and you will have fun accomplishing them. Yes, there will be obstacles and hurdles in your path to overcome. As you confront each one and, without losing faith, overcome each one, you will find your own inner spiritual strength building and you will feel even happier.

Hold on to your dreams and don’t let them go. Time is fleeting and tomorrow is promised to no one. We don’t have to live a life that is unhappy or dreary. A Spiritual guide during women’s group meetings teaches that we can always realize the value of life without ever devalue our gifts and talents. It is important that you never allow your daily struggles, failures or difficulties to hinder you from pursuing your dreams and moving forward in your life. AWAKEN!! Get in touch with your True Self during a women’s group with a Spiritual Guide that can help you awaken to your True Self.